Monday, November 19, 2012

Longing for a Youthful Beauty? Use the Leimo Hair-Clinic-in-a-Box

Are you tired of your hair loss? Does it make you feel several years older? If so, here is a way to help you stop this condition and start regaining a youthful beauty.
Today, with the Leimo Hair-Clinic-in-a-Box from Leimo International, you can achieve hair regrowth anytime and anywhere you want.  With this exceptional suite of hair care essentials, you can stop the progression of your hair loss and at the same time stimulate hair regrowth with a safe and effective approach.
With Leimo International’s endeavor to provide hair loss treatment all over the world, they have come up with this unique treatment programme that will efficiently help millions of men and women fight the signs of hair loss. By integrating this hair care system in your daily hair loss treatment regimen, you can look forward to days when your hair will be at its very best!
The Leimo Hair-Clinic-in-a-Box is a collection of products composed of eight sets of the Leimo Hair Treatment Pack (Leimo HTP) and one Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit (Leimo PHLSK).
The Leimo HTP is comprised of the Leimo Bio-Cleansing Shampoo, Leimo Thickening Conditioner, Leimo Scalp Therapy Day Treatment, Leimo Scalp Serum Night Treatment, and the Leimo Scalp & Body Scrub. This suite of organic wet products is packed with herbal essences of saw palmetto, mistletoe and fennel extracts which are good DHT blockers. More than that, these topical solutions help nourish, moisturize and condition the hair, hence promoting healthier hair follicles.
On the other hand, Leimo PHLSK is made up of the Leimo HTP and the Leimo Personal Hair Laser. The Leimo Personal Hair Laser is a modern non-invasive hand-held device that helps rejuvenate the scalp to facilitate hair regrowth. By administering low level laser therapy and light emitting diode therapy, the hair follicles are invigorated, thereby producing thicker, shinier and healthier hair.
The Leimo Hair-Clinic-in-a-Box is a collection of hair care essentials that are guaranteed to last for the whole year.
So, what are you waiting for? Start your day right, use the Leimo hair care system and regain a youthful beauty.  Learn more about this new suite of hair care essentials from Leimo International by visiting their web portals at,, and
You can also give them a call through their 24/7 customer support: 1800-280-250 for Australia; 203-318-1742 for UK; 0800-453-466 for New Zealand; and (+44) 2033-181-742 for other countries.

What to learn more on Whats the best Hair Loss Solution visit :

Monday, July 2, 2012

Are You Looking For the Best Hair Regrowth Treatment?

It is estimated that somewhere around 50 percent of men will experience some form of hair loss during their lifetime. Hair thinning in men, and women, is very common and for many

people, particularly for women, advancing baldness can be seriously upsetting. If this describes you then you may be interested to find out more about hair regrowth treatments and

in particular which is the best hair growth treatment.

There is a range of causes of hair loss and different causes require different treatments. For example various medical conditions including thyroid conditions can cause balding

however when the condition is treated regrowth should return. If you experience sudden or patchy thinning of the hair you ought consult your doctor to see if you have a medical

condition that needs treatment.

Hair loss in women can be caused by childbirth or by menopause for example. In both cases after the event normal growth should occur, however if it does not you should again

consult your doctor. Similarly there can be medications that cause thinning such as chemotherapy and others.

However both for men and women the vast majority of cases of balding are caused by one condition. It's called pattern baldness. You can get male pattern baldness and female

pattern baldness however in either case the means by which the hair is lost is the same.

It is estimated that over 90 percent of cases of thinning hair is caused by pattern baldness. Whilst it is less common in women than it is in men it is more common than you may

expect. Women often experience thinning rather than complete baldness whereas men can suffer from complete baldness on the top and sometimes the sides of the head.

Pattern baldness is an inherited condition where you are predisposed to some form of balding because of the genes you inherit. How much it will affect you if you have the genes is

hard to determine. It may be almost unnoticeable or it may be serious enough to be very embarrassing, it's hard to say how pattern baldness will affect any one individual.

The method by which pattern baldness operates is that a hormone which goes by the name of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) slowly strangles hair follicles by limiting the amount of

nutrients that they can take up. As hair follicles have more limited access to nutrition the follicle shrinks and the hair thins and may die prematurely. And whilst all hairs die

over time they are normally replaced by a new healthy hair, however hair thinning by means of pattern baldness usually results in thinning of the hair or baldness because the lost

hairs are not sufficiently replaced.

So on to baldness treatments. How do you return to full hair regrowth? Hair regrowth treatments are common, just search on the Internet and you'll find dozens of hair loss

regrowth treatments all advertised as a miracle cure for baldness. However the reality is that there is only 2 products approved by the FDA for use as hair growth treatments in

men and one product approved for women. All the rest are not approved by the FDA and you have no idea if they work and if so how well they work.

It is also true that even the hair regrowth products approved by the FDA do not work in all cases. In fact there is no baldness treatment that works for everybody. And even the

best hair growth treatments take quite some time to work and if you are to undertake such treatments you need to commit to a minimum of 6 months and preferably 12 months before

you can make a judgement as to whether this treatment works for you.

The 2 products approved by the FDA for use by men are finasteride (Propecia) and minoxidil which goes by various product names. Minoxidil is approved for use by women and is the

only product so approved. Minoxidil works by, it is thought, increasing the blood flow to the hair follicle thereby also increasing the supply of nutrients to the follicle. This

should reverse the problem of lack of nutrients in the follicle.

Minoxidil on its own has been shown to be effective however one company has taken this a step further. It makes sense that where supply of blood to the hair follicle is improved

to allow the follicle to take up more nutrients that providing all those nutrients in optimum quantities should improve the likely outcome. One company now markets minoxidil with

a range of essential hair nutrients, one of which is shown to reduce the effects of DHT, and this is probably the best hair regrowth treatment on the market today.

Whilst the advertising might suggest otherwise regrowing your hair is not easy. The quicker you start more likely you will have a good result however it takes some time and

commitment to find a product that works for you. 2 products approved been shown by studies to be effective and one, minoxidil, has now been improved by the addition of extra


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Natural Hair Loss Treatment: A Dash of Cinnamon for Healthier Locks

Most of us know that cinnamon is a special ingredient used in the preparation of delicious desserts like pastries, buns and pies.

However, only a few realize that cinnamon contains various properties that are useful in healing and preventing a variety of ailments and conditions.

In fact, during the ancient times, cinnamon spice is highly treasured, making it one of the oldest and most valuable spices not only for its culinary properties but for its medicinal uses as well.


Cinnamon’s sweet tang and oil comes from the outer bark of a Cinnamomum tree. Cinnamomum is a small, evergreen wild tree which belongs to the family of the laurel. This tree is native to Sri Lanka and is also found in other Asian countries such as Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar and Indonesia.


The function of cinnamon as a natural hair loss treatment stems from the elements it contains, such as vitamin A, niacin, pantothenic acid and pyridoxine. It is also a good source of flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants which include lutein, carotenes, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthins. The cinnamon oil also contains eugenol and trans-cinnamic acid, which have anti-viral, anti-fungal and antioxidant properties.

In addition, its bark is an excellent source of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium and zinc — all of which are essential for preventing hair loss and encouraging the growth of healthier hair strands.

Healing Properties

Cinnamon has natural properties that can be used in treating a variety of ailments and conditions including colds, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea and nausea. It also improves vitality and boosts blood circulation, making it an excellent natural hair loss treatment.

In herbal and natural hair loss treatment, the compounds found in cinnamon are good agents for hair regrowth. Cinnamyl acetate, cinnamaldehyde and cinnamyl alcohol are three elements which help eliminate blood clots and diseases from the blood vessels, promoting proper blood flow in the entire body.

Improving the blood circulation in the body helps deliver enough supply of nutrients and oxygen to the scalp and the hair roots, thereby helping in the revitalization of inactive hair follicles and growth of stronger and healthier hair shafts.


Cinnamon essential oil may cause irritation for people with very sensitive skin. The oil is also very potent so you need to make sure that it does not come in contact with your eyes since it may cause irritation.

In addition, uncooked cinnamon spice may also cause respiratory distress and over-indulgence of cinnamon in various forms may cause difficulty in breathing, blood vessel dilation, drowsiness, depression and even convulsions.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Female Hair Loss Treatment and Information

Did you know that female hair loss is part of the lives of more than 25 million women in the United States alone? Most of them are not using any female hair loss treatment and only few are aware of the existing hair loss treatments. In almost all the cases Female hair loss could be avoided, stopped and new hair growth could be stimulated.
Female pattern hair loss is similar to what is known as the “male pattern hair loss” for men. It is caused by an increasing amount of a chemical called DHT which usually occurs in the menopause age. As opposed to men, women usually suffer from thinning hair around the forehead and crown of their scalp, and not a complete baldness.
There are several available treatments for female hair loss of this kind:
Natural female hair loss treatment – There are several natural products that showed good results in stopping female hair loss like Advecia and Revivogen. These products are made up of hair growth vitamins, herbs and minerals and have no side effects.
Female hair loss products – The most
popular hair loss product for women is Rogaine. Rogaine is the only FDA approved female hair loss treatment. Its’ main component is called Minoxidil which is a DHT inhibitor.
Other less common female hair loss treatments like wigs, hair thickeners and hair transplants are not recommended.
Another kind of female hair loss is a temporary hair loss. This kind could be a result of metabolic problems during pregnancy, a severe stress condition, chemotherapy, high fever or infections. The treatment in these cases would be stopping the medical problems as soon as possible. This would also result the hair regrowth.
If you do not suffer from female hair loss we congratulate you and advice you to use regularly a shampoo, a conditioner and moisturize and to maintain a healthy diet. If you start losing your hair do not ignore it. You can stop your hair loss. Good luck.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Can Appropriate Hair Care Decrease Men’s Hair Loss?

For the most part, men need more than just a specific shampoo to ward off impending hair loss. Most of the time hair loss happens because of genetics or hormone issues. Of course, there are times that loss of hair can be caused by improper care to your hair and scalp. The simple truth is that, even if you are genetically prone to hair loss, you can minimalize the effects of that loss with good care for the hair that you have left and for your scalp. This article will talk about some tips that everyone can use, no matter what kind of hair he has.

Go see a professional cosmetologist for an assessment. Your local mall has many stylists available for a quick haircut but avoid these places for true hair and scalp advice. A professional salon, on the other hand, will have highly trained stylists who will help you figure out the best hair care routine for the type of hair you have and the type of scalp you have. The fact is your hair is more than just deceased skin cells. Seek the help of a professional before beginning any new regimen because all scalps are unique. It will save you lots of time and headaches! Never rub your hair dry. The excess water can be removed with a simple shaking motion after showering. You need only pat or squeeze the remaining excess water out. It may take longer to dry this way but it will aide your hair in it’s pursuit of health. You can cause immense damage to your hair by rubbing it into tanlges when trying to dry. Simply absorbing the “big” moisture and then letting the air do the rest is the best way to (healthfully) dry your hair. After a week or so you will see the benefits.

Your massage therapist is a great asset for scalp care as well. Getting a scalp massage feels great and aides your scalp in increased blood flow. This increase in blood flow will help increase the production of new hair even in follicles that may not have been great producers for a while. Scalp massages can be done by anyone. You can even do them for yourself if you have a few minutes of time. Just don’t put yourself to sleep while you are at work!

Men’s hair loss cannot be prevented with proper hair care alone. Of course, practicing proper hair care does not hurt your chances for slowing down your hair loss. The simple truth is you periodically have a fighting chance at regrowing your hair. At the same time, being sure to take care of your scalp and your hair in an appropriate manner can do a lot for helping you to make sure that the hair you do have left looks the best that it can!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hair Loss: Natural Methods To Combat It

To stop loss of hair due to a vegetarian diet, soy and iodine levels should be monitored. Soy can affect your thyroid gland and causes an imbalance that might be directly related to hair loss.

Give your hair enough time to grow out and become thicker before the next cut. Overcutting can cause your hair to become weaker and it is wise to let it grow out first.

One of the easiest ways to combat losing hair is to stay away from high pollution areas. If you live in a highly polluted area, you may lose your hair. Exposure to pollutants can cause hair to fall out.

If you have recently been diagnosed with any type of illness, you have to work hard to take good care of yourself. If you neglect your body by failing to take your medicine, or not follow the treatment plan for your illness, your body will degrade, and part of this degradation might be hair loss. When this happens, energy that could be used to facilitate the growth of hair follicles, is instead diverted to energize your body to promote healing and rid your body of sickness. The result of this could be hair loss.

No matter if you are a man or a woman, it can be hard to know what hair cleaning products are good to use when you suffer from hair loss. As long as your hair is more than just razor stubble, it is important to continue using shampoo made for your hair and scalp, rather than just bar soap.

Massage your scalp daily to stimulate blood flow to the area. By increasing the blood flow, you will stimulate hair growth, because hair follicles need blood to survive. Massage your scalp while you are showering or in the morning before you get out of bed, or if you prefer, you can do it right before you head to bed for the night.

Protect clothing when applying hair loss treatments. You should allow the treatment to completely dry before laying down in your bed or coming into contact with clothing or furniture.

Treat your hair gently, especially when wet. Avoid aggressive drying and styling. Your hair is more easily damaged and broken when it is wet. To avoid hair loss, always use a towel to dry your hair. Be gentle, and once your hair is just damp, let it dry on its own. Only style hair when it is dry.

Be careful to limit the amount of harsh treatments, like heat and chemicals, that you use on your hair. If you want to really moisturize your hair well, only use products that are of unquestionable quality. Get a professional hair cut in order to prevent split ends.

If your hair loss is accompanied by an itchy, scaly scalp, consult a physician and inquire about a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. Your doctor should be able to recommend the best treatment for you which may include a prescription shampoo, or an OTC one made specifically for your condition.

Hair loss is not something that anyone wishes to experience. There are things that you can do that will help you deal with issues associated with hair loss. There are many cases where hair loss is reversible! If hair loss is in fact permanent, it doesn’t mean your life has been completely changed. Find what works from this article and use it. With lucky, a simple solution to your personal circumstances exists!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What Actually Causes Hair Loss In Guys?

Hair thinning is a thing that’s going to affect most men in due course throughout their lives. Mainly because you won’t lose some or all of your hair in your 20's or 30's does not imply that you won’t lose a number of the hair later. for that matter greater than 85% in all men will be affected from hairloss somewhat throughout their life – it is not an instance of “if” but “when”. for many guys this pattern of balding starting for their later teen years and then for others they might not experience any volume of hair thinning until they’re well in 60s. there isn’t any specific date when the head of hair loss will start.

Now although there isn’t a specific date for your baldness to begin with there usually is usually a cause that could be consistent to all men dealing with the loss of hair. At the conclusion of the afternoon the main cause for everyday sort of hairloss that face men is hormonal anyway. whenever a child grows into his teenage years his body will begin producing more testosterone. With only a certain age, that varies from one man to another, this normal testosterone gets transformed into a more potent version called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). when it changes into such a hormone it may then start causing major alterations in that guy’s body and in many cases is definitely the first step in hair loss becoming a natural part of that person’s everyday life.

DHT in the male body could potentially cause a procedure called miniaturization in the strands of hair therefore the hair follicles learn to grow shorter and finer hair followed by stop producing hair altogether. Similar strands of basically go dormant so when they stop producing hair bald and thinning patches are displayed on the scalp of a typical man in that stage of hairloss.

The great thing is that there is a whole array of new hairloss treatments available that will handle DHT including Propecia. and in combining treatments as being a regimen these DHT treatments can stop including turn back hairloss having happened – and some amazing causes certain instances. So don’t lose heart when considering stopping your hairloss then there’s new treatments kicking off at all times.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Exclusive Offer for Australian Residents: Call Leimo and Save $200 on the Leimo Starter Kit

                How are you getting on with your hair loss treatment regimen? Are you still looking for several products in different places — causing wasted time, money, and effort? Well, it’s time you refrain from doing this troublesome routine. Leimo, Australia’s household name in hair loss management, presents a better option for all Australian residents suffering from hair loss.
                Leimo lets you take home its COMPLETE hair restoration kit at a much LESSER price you can’t resist. Give us a RING and instead of $1,195, you can have the Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit for ONLY $995.
                The Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit is a safe and effective dual-purpose kit, targeting the main cause of hair loss which is dihydrotestosterone (DHT) while stimulating new hair growth. With this kit, you can achieve a complete hair restoration experience at home. This is how it will work for you.
1.       Cleanse and Condition Your Hair and Scalp
                With its rich blend of mistletoe and fennel extracts, the Bio Cleansing Shampoo takes away excess sebum and assists in the reduction of DHT levels.
Next, moisturise, thicken, and pump up your hair with the Thickening Conditioner which contains grape seed extracts and other natural essences that provide nutrients in maintaining healthy and thicker hair.
Exfoliate with the Scalp & Body Scrub thrice a week. It should keep the right amount of moisture in the scalp by removing pore-clogging grime and excess skin debris.

2.       Nourish and Feed Your Scalp
               Through the Scalp Therapy Day Treatment, you can stop further hair loss because it contains saw palmetto extracts that work deep into the roots to remove DHT. Using the Scalp Serum Night Treatment similarly, you are rejuvenating dormant hair follicles to stimulate hair growth.

3.    Stimulate Hair Regrowth
                The final step in your Leimo regimen is using the Leimo Personal Hair Laser, a laser comb device that restores hair through two forms of phototherapy: Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and Light Emitting Diode Therapy (LEDT). Together, they stimulate hair growth through a chemical process called photobiostimulation wherein light turns into chemical energy to improve cellular productivity.
Added to the overall strength of the laser is the stimulating bar which is made of urethane rubber which massages the scalp and provides an acupuncture effect to improve the circulation to the scalp.
                The Personal Hair Laser is clinically proven safe and effective for men and women with mild to moderate cases of androgenetic alopecia or male- and female-pattern baldness. With appropriate use, Leimo can provide visible results in as early as 12 weeks.

                You can continue the Leimo regimen all year round. By adding $500 to the purchased price of the Leimo Personal Hair Starter Kit, you can have the Leimo Hair Clinic in a Box which is a one-year supply of Leimo’s hair loss products in a bundle. From $1, 995, you will only have to pay $1, 495! You will not only achieve uninterrupted treatment all year round, you can also save yourself from the hassles of reordering another supply of hair loss products.
                So call us at 1800-280-250 and experience real results through a real hair loss treatment that is LEIMO.