Wednesday, February 11, 2015

5 Ayurvedic Herbs for Hair Care

One popular alternative treatment for hair loss and hair thinning problem comes in the form of Ayurveda herbs. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means life science. It is a combination of two words: ayur, meaning life and veda, meaning science.

This conventional form of healing takes into consideration a series of factors which include proper lifestyle, mental balance and spiritual nourishment to promote good health of the body and the hair.
Ayurveda practitioners believe that an individual’s health depends on the three doshas known as kapha, pitta, and vatta. By eliminating too much pitta dosha through the use of herbs, a person can prevent the onset of hair loss and hair thinning problems as well as promote thicker, shinier and healthier hair strands. 
InnovaDerma one of the fastest growing companies in clinically backed anti-ageing, body contouring, hair loss treatment and wellbeing products

There are hundreds of Ayurvedic herbs which promote hair regrowth by nourishing, moisturizing and conditioning the hair follicles and the scalp. Five of the most recognized Ayurvedic herbs for hair care are amla, bhringraj, ghritkumari, menthulu and brahmi.

Ayurvedic Herb #1: Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
Amla prevents the onset of dandruff and other fungal infections that can hamper the growth of the hair. This Ayurvedic herb also stops hair loss, strengthens the follicles and maintains the radiance of the hair strands. 

Ayurvedic Herb #2: Eclipta Alba (Bhringraj)
Bhringraj is an Ayurvedic herb which is commonly used in hair tonic preparations to hinder the hair graying process. It also provides a nourishing and moisturizing effect when mixed with other essential oils such as coconut and sesame.

Ayurvedic Herb #3: Aloe Vera (Ghritkumari)
Aloe vera serves as an excellent antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent as well as a hair growth stimulator. It balances the ph level in the scalp at the same time nourishes, softens and moistures the hair follicles for the production of fuller and healthier hair strands.

Ayurvedic Herb #4: Fenugreek (Menthi , Menthulu)
Fenugreek improves blood circulation in the scalp by dilating the blood vessels. Proper blood flow in the scalp helps deliver adequate amount of oxygen and nutrients to the hair roots for the growth of healthier and stronger hair.

Ayurvedic Herb #5: Water Hyssop (Brahmi)
Waterhyssop contains antioxidant that prevents hair loss and hair thinning problems due to free radicals. It also prevents the onset of dandruff as well as improves the luster of the hair strands.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hair Transplant News Hollywood Life and Hair Loss

Gossip magazines and social networking sites are more than happy to dish on the latest rumors and goings-on with all the celebrities. Their millions of fans are anxious and eager to know personal things like what they wore, what they eat, who they go out with and what they look like without a touch of make up on their faces.

There is no denying the fact that good looks are important in the world of show business. However, we cannot deny either that without the glitz and glamour of Hollywood, they are just ordinary people like us. They are mere mortals who can experience hair loss.

Although they are very good at hiding their hair loss problems, they also struggle with it and some even worry that their hair loss can put a stop to their immaculate image. With that said, there is no wonder that they feel the pressure to undergo modern hair restoration procedures to get rid of their distressing hair condition.

Celebrity hair loss is becoming an increasingly hot topic in the social scenes and is gaining popularity in websites and magazines. The continuing demands on celebrities to keep their good looks intact made way to the rise of hair transplant as a means to get rid of hair loss and avoid being criticized by the prying public. Several well-known celebrities, including Mel Gibson and John Travolta have freely admitted to having transplant surgery performed.

Read more on Hair Transplant News Hollywood Life and Hair Loss

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stop the Balding through a Pack of Leimo Hair Products

Every day, we lose an average of 50 to 100 strands as part of the normal hair renewal process. However, there are factors that could break up this cycle like environmental pollutants, chemical treatments, and especially Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). All of these can weaken the follicles, which in turn can lead to massive hair thinning and hair loss.

The Leimo advanced natural formulas prevent the major causes of hair loss without the risk of side effects known of other conventional hair loss treatments. Dedicated to assisting all hair loss sufferers with the utmost convenience, Leimo International presents a risk-free organic-based hair loss treatment regimen with its top-quality line of hair care products rolled into one pack named the Hair Treatment Pack. These Leimo hair products are the Bio Cleansing Shampoo, Thickening Conditioner, Scalp Therapy Day Treatment, Scalp Serum Night Treatment and Deep Cleansing Scalp & Body Scrub.

Read more on Stop the Balding through a Pack of Leimo Hair Products

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tips to Man Up the Locks

Men are typically seen to care less about their hair compared to women. However, this seems to be disproved by men who see the need to compete in today’s changing times.

No longer are wheels, abs, or bank accounts the measure of a man. How he maintains his hair has also become key to spelling his success.

For those who haven’t joined the pack and continue to sport unkempt locks, thinking that the ladies would find it sexy, it’s best that you read on and think again.

Here are hair care tips for various hair types to help man up the locks:

*The Cruise
Tom Cruise locks-the luckiest of them all. Straight hair is the easiest hair type to manage; however, only a few are gifted with this type of crowning glory.

What’s more, men with Tom Cruise locks do not style their hair to their advantage. Their locks tend to look flat and floppy and, at times, longer than their date’s hair.

Keeping the hair clean and short or growing them out chin-length, at the most, is a great way to keep the ladies coming.

Read more on Tips to Man Up the Locks

Monday, January 28, 2013

Shampoo Ingredients One Should Look for to Maintain Healthy Hair

Tons of shampoo and hair care products in the market today compete not by offering their best formulations but through celebrity endorsements and enticing advertisements. Sadly, most people fall prey into this consumerist plot.

Nevertheless, one can elude this trap and pick the best by carefully examining the product’s label. The ingredients included in a shampoo are way more relevant compared to the personalities endorsing it.

The following are ingredients a consumer ought to look for in a shampoo as these are proven safe and effective in maintaining the good condition of one’s crowning glory:

Most shampoos don’t list silicone in their labels as they often note it as dimethicone or cyclimethicone. Either way, silicone helps protect the hair from damage and provides a shiny appearance by coating down the hair shafts and reducing static cling. This is especially good for coarse or curly hair as it works for deep hydration.

Read more on Shampoo Ingredients One Should Look for to Maintain Healthy Hair

Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Must-Read Books about How to Stop Hair Loss Worries

Reading books is fun, entertaining, and educational. There is so much to be gained from reading this medium of expression.

Books serve as your guide to travel around the world, enter another universe and other magical dimensions.
It can be your oasis when you feel that life is getting too stressful, overwhelming, or chaotic.
It can also be your best friend, your family, your mentor, or your very own Dalai Lama. It can keep you on the edge of your seat, making you cringe, cry, laugh, or shout with glee.
But apart from all these, the biggest reason we turn to books even in the wee hours of the night is because they offer the finest and the simplest means to learn great new things by heart-a far better deal than going through extensive boring lectures.

With books, you can learn various lessons, ideas, or ideals which can be life-changing-from complex themes like history, philosophy, and geography to simple yet useful subjects like handicrafts, arts, and even hair care.

Indeed, as problems of hair loss or baldness have become more of a modern reality, authors are creating educational books as tools to teach individuals understand this common cosmetic problem.

Read more on The Must-Read Books about How to Stop Hair Loss Worries

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Skin and Scalp Conditions that Induce Hair Loss Problems

Skin and scalp diseases are one of the many causes of hair thinning and hair loss problems in both men and women. In fact, too much shedding, excessive oiliness, irregular scabbing, and swelling may hinder the healthy hair growth. With that, treatment of these conditions is essential to sustain the beauty and good health of the hair.

The following is a list of problematic scalp conditions that are in one way or another accountable for triggering hair loss:

* Boil - is a skin infection due to staphylococci bacteria that enters the skin through the hair follicles. Technically, boil is known as furuncle, a painful nodule formed in the skin by restricted inflammation of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. However, when the infection caused by the bacteria spreads to the nearby follicles, it is called a carbuncle, which causes pain, inflammation, and hair loss.

* Dissecting Cellulitis - is an unusual chronic scalp condition that causes progressive scarring and degeneration of the scalp skin and hair follicles. It is usually associated with the thickening of the scalp in large areas with pockets of pus trapped under the skin. When not properly treated, dissecting cellulitis may lead to large areas of balding which have a greater potential to cause permanent hair loss problems.

Read more on Skin and Scalp Conditions that Induce Hair Loss Problems